Our Story

"The history of New Hope Baptist Church tells the story of a small group of people with large hearts, big dreams, and the desire to help everyone and worship in their own way."
-Osborne Jones

New Hope baptist Church began in the home of Rev. J. Jones in April, 1957. Charter members of New Hope Church were Rufus Stone, Richard Stone, Jim Harris, Floyd Harris, Henrietta Heathe, James McCaen, Leslie and Lola Hamm, Ray Vaughn, the Johnson family, Dorothy Gadison, Grace Simpson, Viola Tannihill, and Jean Jordan. Rev. Jones' wife, Sister Hannah Jones, gave the church the name, "New Hope".

New Hope moved from the Jones home to a building on 5th and Lacey, then for a short while services were held in the evenings at Morning Star Baptist Church. Finally, New Hope moved to their very first church building, located on First and Madelia. Rev. Jones put a great deal of physical labor into repairing the foundation of the building, but due to a lengthy illness and his untimely death, Reverend Jones did not see his many dreams for New Hope come true. Reverend Jones passed away on September 4, 1961.

Rev. Rufus Stone served as the Associate Pastor at New Hope while Rev. Jones was sick. Rev. Jones licensed Rev. Stone and Rev. Allen from St. Matthews Baptist Church ordained him. He was involved with New Hope from 1957 - 1962. Presently he is an active member and Associate Minister at Calvary Baptist Church, Rev. C.W. Andrews, Pastor.

Rev. Stone was succeeded by Reverend J.W. Echols, who served as pastor for approximately two years, until 1962. Reverend Spencer Thomas then pastored at New Hope until early 1965.

In May, 1965, Reverend James M. Sims because the pastor of New Hope. Reverend Sims served until his retirement, in September of 1989. Rev. Sims was very dedicated to the New Hope Church and its membership and served as Pastor Emeritus until his health declined in 1996. Rev. Sims passed away in September of 1996.

New Hope remained at the site on First and Madelia from 1957 to 1973. In 1973 the church moved into the old Sacred Heart Church until 1977. In 1977, the site on Greene Street in the East Central neighborhood was purchased. For the first two years services were held in the house that is joined to the sanctuary. In 1979, the church was renovated, and a dedication ceremony was held on September 30, 1979.

After Rev. Sim's retirement, Rev. Eugene Singleton served as Interim Pastor for five months. Rev. Singleton was licensed and ordained by Rev. Sims in 1987. Rev. Singleton served for five years as the Assistant Pastor at New Hope from 1990 - 1995, and was an active and dedicated member until given the opportunity to pastor the St. Matthews Baptist Church, where he is presently the pastor.

Reverend Percy Happy Watkins was elected pastor by the New Hope membership on January 28, 1990. Pastor Watkins continues to serve the New Hope family faithfully.

On February 26, 2017 we will be saying goodbye to a beloved friend....our church.  Yes, we are moving on up!  During the next few months we will be having church at the Emmanuel Family Life Center, 631 S. Richard Allen court.  

The New Hope Congregation purchased a new church building on moved into their new location on August 31, 2017, holding their first service in the new building on September 3, 2017.

Pastor James served as an ordained Deacon in Aug 2007-Oct 2011 when he answered his calling to preach. Pastor James served as Assistant Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church of Spokane, WA. for six years and became Senior Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church on March 4th of 2018.

As the senior pastor of New Hope Baptist Church a growing, multi-cultural, multi-racial church, Pastor James mission is to share the message of hope and faith, it is his vision that through innovative and unique ministry outreach, New Hope will establish a Christ centered culture that will create people who cannot be destroyed! His vision is for New Hope to empower and prepare children, youth and young adults in accomplishing their vision and goals as they fulfill their purpose.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.